Motorola recently launched its most popular smartphone Moto G Dual-SIM in India at a price of Rs.12,4999/- for 8 GB model and Rs.13,999/- for 16 GB model. The India’s biggest online shopping store Flipkart is selling these smartphones but recently the 16 GB model of Moto G was running out of stock. Now finally the phone is back in stocks so get your Moto G 16 GB quickly because there are only limited stock available.
It must be noted that the Moto G being sold in India is a dual-SIM variant, unlike the one sold in the US. The phone comes with Android 4.3 at launch and is said to get the 4.4 KitKat update in the coming weeks. It remains to be seen how quickly this model gets the software updates in future.
For now, Flipkart has an exclusivity deal with Motorola to sell the Moto G in India but that may change in the near future. So if you are planning to buy this then just click on the below link :-